The Bugsboarding BigAirBag Fund

We are going to try and install a big air freestyle bag at BugsBoarding! We really want to build an amazing freestyle scene at Bugs and we need your input to help this happen.

In order to fund this installation, we are offering the first hundred people to sign up a 2 year membership to Bugs for £100. This normally costs £400 and will include free riding whenever we’re open, plus unlimited free use of the airbag.

Help us make the Bugsboarding BigAirBag happen!

If we don’t get up to 100 people, then unfortunately we won’t be able to offer the discounted membership and therefore there will be nothing to pay.

The first 20 slots have already been taken, and we need to get the funds together by the end of the summer so we can place our order and have the airbag ready for summer opening next year (2020).

The bag will be suitable for boards, bikes and dirt scooters, so spread the word! (just thinking – how much would it cost to install a strip of dry ski slope so we could open up to snowboarders/skiers too?)

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Join the Bugs air crew and have a t shirt and exclusive membership to an awesome team who design the jumps routes in and best types of events to best promote our individual sports. We want anyone who is keen to ride and get involved to sign up and support us and in return you will get a two year membership worth £400 for your £100 membership fee. It gets you unlimited riding and free camping for two full years and as much input into the build as you can spare or want to partake, we would be grateful for your input the hundred members would be raising £10000 towards a £15000 project so Bugsboarding will be paying the last £5000 and the generator running costs as well as supplying the land ,machines and materials for the site set up

Help us make the Bugsboarding BigAirBag happen!

The BigAirBag